Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are the Answers Worth It?

 Author's Note to the General Public:  So that confusion is not warranted when deciphering what is written below, consider the basis for why this prompt was written.  In the midst of reading Jekyll and Hyde, I was asked to write about the meaning I have gotten from reading.  So far, ideas are bleary on what will be the conclusion of the story, and yet these ideas below are what I have gotten from it so far!

Bright, the world gleams, when life begins; it is how you wish it to be. Perfectly, all is in place, without unwanted surprises.  Though you know of evil, and are a part of the evil world, you are not evil, you haven’t wrestled with it.  Not yet have friends wandered into the forbidden foregrounds of the unknown flaming forest.  Not yet have you experienced that flame.  The fire hasn’t caught on the hem of your shirt, nor has windows and doors of your friends been shut to you.  Always, life would go on. Always life would be perfect – until that flame caught, and moved like an un-answering wildfire.  It was a flame which answered to no-one, and the eyes of the flame were of something to be feared.  The face of the flame is not something to be reckoned with, and those who see this face, are to never see the bright light of peace and happiness again. The change from innocence, to the knowledge of evil, changes much more, than just your feelings inside, it changes also your outer appearance. From that moment of change, there is no going back to innocence, and tricycles.  When that door of evil is opened and it brings you in, you would rather have just kept walking and never turned to look at the answers inside that door, because behind it is the flickering flaming face, with eyes full of answers.  Answers give you more knowledge, and knowledge calms your curiosity, but it comes at a price; and that price is your body and soul.  So when in consideration of living in a world of pureness, naïve to the answers your heart may long for verses, the world of flame and terror -- thought to hold the answers answers -- search your heart for your true desire because once you go to this side of answers, going back may be impossible, or in the least, cause unbearable pain.                                                                                             

1 comment:

  1. This was fantastic!The beginning really caught my attention and I wanted to read more. I would love to see more of this! Maybe you could fix certain areas where it does not flow as well but really this was amazing!
