to General Public: This will be the last response which I will have
for the story of Jekyll and Hyde. Now, all the "answers" have been
given away -- at least all the ones which Stevenson would like the
audience to receive. Different, are the perceptions of what the story
means, so here is my thoughts of what one part of the meaning could be.
In flight through the litany of life, we must muster courage
and power to sway away from the edges of hell.
As per given a warning, we cannot then escape into the unknown, because
the boundaries are unforgiving.
Held bondage, we think we are, to a world that doesn’t hold
enough for our lives to be content and happy, so rebelled did some, from the society. Dwelled, did some in the lowly places of
Though we believe the caution tape, in front of the evilness
of hell, is to keep us from conceiving answers to our questions; it is really
only to keep us from grievin’.
We should instead, hold out against our longing hearts,
though it is prolonging -- and find a peace in being human, without super-power
knowledge of the forbidden answers inside. So we must fight the temptation, and find the
light which will hold us safely behind that hole towards hell.
An example was given, of a man who wasn’t forgiven, for
crossing that ample line to hell.
And so, we must learn
to turn, from concern of the forbidden things, so that we may not return to the
tree of that knowledge filled fruit.
Here we will live, until to dust we return,
and so, take a dive into a pool of new understanding, of how
to live content without the conniving answers your heart yearns for.